Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The antiques shop with no name

The antiques shop across the road from my house always has a treasure or two in its window or on the pavement outside, and I've been meaning to take some pictures for too long to mention.

So I popped in the other day and told the owner (a very charming silver-haired gent) about my blog. He  was delighted for me to take some pictures, with the understanding that I don't include the name of the shop. But, I ventured, don't you want the publicity? Oh no, he said, we don't like any kind of publicity, we only do word of mouth!

So here you have it - some anonymous pictures from the antiques shop with no name (on Friday Street, Henley) - shhhh!


  1. ha ha, I know the one ; )
    BUT...did you buy that gorgeous wooden noah's ark set?! x

  2. Oo you'll have to take me there! I hope it's not an 'only on weekends' kind of place?! x

  3. That Noah's Ark set is amazing. If you didn't buy it, how much was it? I'll send you back to get it for Bertie instead! x

  4. Some people with 'business savvy' would say it's silly not to want to mention your business name but I think it's so cool that the owner has that much faith in his shop and just going on word of mouth!!! And obviously they have enough stunning stock to draw people in. Hope you are really well:)

  5. I love the vintage acordian. Been looking for a functional antique one for quite a while, I don't know why exactly it is I want it to be in working condition but there's something about it that you want it to work when you pick it up. Great collection!
